Premgeethi CD
If you live in INDIA and want to purchase Premgeethi CD:
Premgeethi is a collection of Baul songs composed by various Baul Masters. These songs convey the message of absolute love, yoga of the body and mind, and its Sadhana. These works are life-affirming and non-sectarian. These songs inspire us to realize our highest potential.
Includes booklet with song translations, text and photos.
Track list:
1. Tai Ami Gour Bole Daki
2. Ki Chamatker Phal Go Guru
3. Shai Dorobesher Kotha
4. Thok Dekhi Mon Rager Chakmoki
5. Dohar Mach Laphailo Dangale
6. Aula Sutar Tana
7. Ami Tomaro Lagia Re
8. Amar Ankabanka Loktike
9. Bole Na Chilem Go Peyari
10. Aai Kheya Ne Behester Shei